Thursday, February 10, 2011

Blog version 2.0 redux preview

I generally will only post here when I feel passionate about a specific topic, idea, or concept. If you follow this blog you will most often find yourself reading about sports, entertainment, politics, and whatever other diversions that "The Man" is using to keep us occupied and without focus. Haha!

I will also use this blog to post about things that irk me. As I age I have found that the list just grows longer. So, to avoid an aneurysm, I will vent here from time to time.

Example; We (my live in girlfriend Laura and I) found this (almost) perfect pub. I made the observation that they kept the place too bright. She loved the place as did I, but I for some reason, unbeknownst to me, lack the desire and ability to ignore just how close the owners had come to achieving perfection, only to fall short due to their choice of setting on the dimmer switch. As a bar biz worker for the past 17-18 years I found it to be negligence of almost a criminal nature. Needless to say, Laura, while I believe sharing my opinion, did not come close to sharing my passion and disdain for such an oversight.

This, according to my significant other, is my biggest character flaw. I have this ability to find the negative even in the most positive of circumstances. I see her point but in my opinion I am just more observant than others. I am not a sheep. I feel it is my duty to point out flaws, mistakes, descrepencies, omissions, and random acts of ignorance and/or stupidity. And so what if I am constantly pointing out how things can be made better? After all I am only doing so in an effort to make my little fraction of the world more enjoyable to me.

Oh well. In my quest to keep Laura around to be my wife one day I figure I had better spread my neurotic thoughts amongst the masses and spare her the anquish of being the lone member of my support group.

Join me. Won't you?

1 comment:

  1. If you think you can spot flaws now, just wait until you're married.
