Friday, February 11, 2011

Monster energy drinks and the shocking oversight

My energy drink of choice is the low carb and absolute zero products put out by Monster. The company was launched out of Corona California back in 2002 and in recent years they have carved a nice spot for themselves sponsoring many athletes and events across the extreme sports landscape. BMX and motocross riders, skaters, snowboarders and the like can often be seen rockin' the big "M' somewhere on their gear. Even the athletes that are under contract to rival companies, more often then not fly through the air with the Monster logo easily visible to anyone within camera shot. Product placement at it's finest. Red Bull may claim to "give you wings" but the evidence at the X-Games would suggest that Monster should lay claim to any such boast.

The folks at Hansen natural, founders of Monster energy have been in bed with both of the heavy hitters of the cola wars, Coke and Pepsi and even Anheuser help their product be mass produced, distributed, and marketed globally. With access to the marketing and advertising expertise of such giants, I found the following oversight to be both shocking and unforgiveable.

As a 2 can per day Monster energy drink junkie I always have my fridge stocked. Other than my junk, Its the 1st thing I reach for each and every morning as I try to find the strength to do battle with the world that awaits outside my door. Now, I fancy myself as a pretty perceptive cat(although my girlfriend claims I didn't notice the new kitchen mat for nearly a month although I believe I did notice it at some point, but my mind, in efforts to protect me from the trauma, blocked out the memory since the mat was valentine's day themed and had a big gay red heart on it).

Anyway, I'm pretty good at spotting the IMPORTANT things like other people's flaws, mistakes, shortcomings, etc., its a gift I know, so I could not help but notice the egregious error made in the manufacturing of this particular Monster Energy can. As I mentioned it was morning so I was multitasking. Shaving, take a sip, shave some more, take another sip. You get the picture. There I am in front of the mirror, can in hand, sweet nectar of life about to touch my lips when I notice that the opening from which I am drinking, the only opening,  is located on the exact same side of the can as the only big Monster "M" on the entire can!

How can they allow this to happen. If this were my company, the marketing and advertising execs responsible for this travesty would find themselves out of work quicker than Tony Hawk's hips rotated during his groundbreaking 900 at the X-Games. The thought of anyone drinking a Monster with only the nutritional info being visible to onlookers might just be the biggest black eye for ad executives since Reebok gambled and lost on Dan & Dave striking gold multiple times at the 1992 summer olympics.

Whats next, McDonald's thinking its a great idea to make people read the fat content of a Big Mac before letting them purchase one?

My shock is derived from the society in which we live. There was an era when Times Square in Manhattan(or anywhere in Tokyo for that matter)  was a true sight to behold. A jolt to the optic nerve. The flashing lights, the branding, the total saturation of product placement was almost too much to comprehend. It needed to be seen more than once to fully appreciate it(you know, like the Usual Suspects?). We are not in THAT era anymore. Ads are everywhere. We are constantly under siege as Madison ave does all it can to ensure that we can't so much as wipe our asses without hearing Mr Whipple's voice telling us to not squeeze the Charmin.

So, my disbelief stems from the basic question of "how the hell did they overlook such a simple thing?" I mean somewhere somehow someone went to all the trouble of printing ambulance backwards on an ambulance so we could read it in our mirrors. You know, cause the sirens and big flashing lights aren't enough for some retards to realize they need to get the hell out of the way. So how do you manufacture a can of Monster and not have the logo facing out for the world to see? Its just inexcusable. Seriously, next time you watch a commercial for anything take notice. If its a Doritos commercial I guarantee you that the hippee stoner lookin' dude on the couch with the munchies chowin' down will have the side of the bag with the name on it facing the camera.

I am a fan of Monster and therefore want it to do well. Much the same way I go out and actually buy cds from my favorite Heavy Metal bands and go to their shows. For the selfish reason of keeping them prospering and thus easily accessible to me.

Hope that you all understand.

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